Selling Online at the Right Price: Smart Pricing to Protect Your Margins

smart pricing

The world of online sales is characterized by complexity and high competitiveness.

Today, achieving success online is not guaranteed, as many factors must be considered when deciding to expand your business online through marketplaces, including logistics, an adequate product inventory, and setting the right selling price.

However, not being present on marketplaces means giving up a large market share, which can be an excellent opportunity to expand your business.

One of the factors to which it is appropriate to pay a lot of attention is setting the right selling price for your products.

With increasingly fierce competition and constant price pressure, finding the right balance between supply and demand to sell on marketplaces becomes crucial to maintaining adequate profit margins.

Setting the right selling price to increase competitiveness

Selling on marketplaces is as complex as it is profitable since failing to consider all the necessary elements risks compromising your margins.

Marketplaces, in fact, take commissions on sales. You must also consider shipping and logistics costs (in case you adhere to specific programs such as Amazon’s FBA, eBay Guaranteed Delivery, and Zalando’s ZFS).

Yocabè: Boost your online sales and maximize margins with smart pricing

Yocabè is a service provider specializing in assisting brands in managing sales on major online marketplaces. Its mission is clear: to support brands in maximizing sales without compromising profit margins.

This is possible thanks to an advanced technological approach that uses smart pricing algorithms to determine the optimal price at any given time.

Yocabè allows you to choose the product assortment based on ROI (Return On Investment) and dynamically manage prices to maximize margins.

smart pricing

Data-driven approach to managing your sales on marketplaces

The direct integration of channels with Yocabè’s technology allows our dedicated team of specialists to guarantee a data-driven approach to optimizing operational management and maximizing performance.

Our SmartPricing algorithms calculate the best price to win the sale at a given time, considering competitors’ prices and protecting your margins.

The Importance of Smart Pricing

The concept of smart pricing involves finding the perfect balance between supply and demand. Yocabè’s algorithms analyze a series of factors in real-time, including:

  • Market Demand: By monitoring purchasing trends and demand peaks, Yocabè can suggest the best time to increase or decrease prices.
  • Competition: By analyzing competitors’ prices, the algorithms can dynamically adjust prices to maintain competitiveness without eroding profit margins.
  • Operating Costs: Considering production, logistics, and other operating costs, Yocabè ensures that the proposed prices always cover these costs, guaranteeing an adequate profit margin.

Through historical data and predictive models, Yocabè can anticipate market trends, allowing brands to always stay one step ahead of the competition.


Analyzing margins in marketplaces is essential for the sales strategy, often determining whether a brand chooses to enter these online contexts.

The decision is influenced by several factors: competition, product type, destination country, and return management.

Price flexibility is vital, allowing dynamic changes to achieve the desired margins.

The sales strategy must start with clear objectives, and once a target margin is established, parameters can be optimized to achieve the desired result.


smart pricing

Thanks to its smart pricing algorithms, Yocabè not only optimizes prices to maximize sales but also protects profit margins, ensuring sustainable and profitable growth.

If you are a brand looking to stand out in today’s competitive marketplaces, Yocabè is the solution you have been looking for.

Take a look at our successful case studies.

Contact us today to find out how Yocabè can boost your online sales.